Welcome to MSB's e-service portal

Information about MSB´s e-service portal

Here you can find MSB's e-services. To use the e-services, you need a Swedish e-identification. You can find more information about e-identification on DIGG's pages.

Information about e-identification on DIGG.se

The Microsoft Edge browser does not support Telia's e-identification, in which case use a different browser.


About contact information and notification

Contact information

In order to use MSB's e-services, we need access to your contact information. The contact information is only used  to get in touch with you regarding cases  you have submitted. You must choose at least one of the ways to be notified. You can find your contact information under the tab My contact information.

My contact information


When updates occur in one of your cases, we will send you a notification, via e-mail or SMS depending on how you have chosen for us to notify you. When you receive a new notification, you can log in and get more information under My cases about that particular case.

My cases


The e-service portal provides a separate space where your information is stored while you work with it. The information in the private space is not available to MSB's administrators and is not a document received by the authority. When you submit the information in the e-service, it is registered as an incoming document at MSB and given a diary number. If several people are to sign what you submit to MSB, the information will be received by MSB when the last signatory has signed.