
About contact information and notification

Contact information

In order to use MSB's e-services, we need access to your contact information. The contact information is only used  to get in touch with you regarding cases  you have submitted. You must choose at least one of the ways to be notified. You can find your contact information under the tab My contact information.

My contact information


When updates occur in one of your cases, we will send you a notification, via e-mail or SMS depending on how you have chosen for us to notify you. When you receive a new notification, you can log in and get more information under My cases about that particular case.

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Showing 31 of 31 hits

Call for research funding

  • Ansökan om forskningsmedel Kriget i Ukraina och lärdomar för svensk civil beredskap/försvar CLOSED
    Kriget i Ukraina och lärdomar för svensk civil beredskap/försvar
    Kortare forskningsprojekt, 2-3 år, som drar lärdomar från det pågående kriget i Ukraina. Lärdomarna ska vara till nytta för det svenska beredskapssystemet.

    För att kunna använda e-tjänsten loggar du först in. Klicka sedan på länk till e-tjänst. Länk till blankett ska endast användas i de fall du inte har möjlighet att använda e-tjänsten på grund av tekniska problem eller om du saknar e-legitimation.

    Opens: 11/5/2024 8:00 AM
    Closes: 1/14/2025 11:59 PM

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    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Ansökan om forskningsmedel Forskningsmiljö försörjningssäkerhet CLOSED
    Forskningsmiljö försörjningssäkerhet
    MSB utlyser medel för två forskningsmiljöer inom försörjningssäkerhet inom de två områdena privat - offentlig samverkan och klimatets påverkan på försörjningssäkerheten.

    För att kunna använda e-tjänsten loggar du först in. Klicka sedan på länk till e-tjänst. Länk till blankett ska endast användas i de fall du inte har möjlighet att använda e-tjänsten på grund av tekniska problem eller om du saknar e-legitimation.

    Opens: 11/4/2024 8:00 AM
    Closes: 1/14/2025 1:00 PM

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    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

Explosives and explosives precursors

  • Application for authorisation to acquire, import, possess and use explosives precursors
    Application for authorisation of explosives precursors
    According to EU Regulation 2019/1148 and the Explosives Precursors Act (2014:799), individuals must have a permit from MSB to acquire, introduce, possess and use "restricted explosives precursors".
    This applies to products containing:
    • More than 16% nitromethane by weight (equivalent to more than 12% by volume for RC fuels)
    • More than 3% nitric acid by weight
    • More than 15% sulfuric acid by weight
    • More than 12% hydrogen peroxide by weight

    "Individuals" refers to private individuals and others who do not have a professional need for the products. A prerequisite for obtaining a permit is that the product in question is necessary to carry out the activity or hobby, which the MSB will examine. The applicant's suitability to possess the product will be assessed by the Swedish Police Authority.

    More detailed information about the rules can be found on msb.se.www.msb.se/prekursorer

    Before applying, please consider this:
    • Consider whether you actually have a need before you apply, or if you can use other products, for example with a lower content of the substance in question.
    • If you are under 18 years of age, it is your guardian who must make the application.
    • If you have previously had a corresponding permit, state the case number for this in your application.
    •If you want to change a permit that is valid for at least another year, you should not apply again. Instead, contact the administrator specified in the decision for a change.
    • It takes just over a month to process an application. It will not be faster if you apply several times.
    • If you have questions about your application, call MSB on 0771-240240 and say that you want to talk to someone at the explosives unit.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

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    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for authorisation to handload ammunition for transfer
    Application for authorisation to handload ammunition for transfer according the LBE
    Handloading is the manufacture of ammunition for small arms without automatic aids. Anyone who wants to transfer (give away or sell) self-loaded ammunition to someone else must have a permit from the Swedish Contingencies Agancy (MSB) for the manufacturing of explosives in accordance with the Flammable and Explosive Products Act (LBE). Under certain circumstances, a manufacturing permit is sometimes also needed for arranging handloading courses.

    Anyone who has a licence for firearms for hunting and target shooting may handload ammunition for their own use for their weapons without any other permit. Under these circumstances, it is also permitted to handle up to 5 kg of gunpowder and ignition caps without storage and transfer permits. However, gunpowder and ignition caps must be stored in safes, and a valid Swedish firearms license must be presented to the seller upon purchase.

    More information can be found on msb.se. Information about handloading ammunition

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

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    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for license to manufacture explosives on fixed locations
    A licence is required for manufacturing explosives. Manufacturing of explosives includes processes where explosive articles or explosive substances are made or assembled, or unmade or disassembled and include recycling or destruction. Those who want to manufacture explosives need to apply for a licence from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). Use this e-service to apply for a licensce to manufacture explosives on fixed locations.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

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    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for authorisation to be am education provider for the use of pyrotechnic articles
    An education provider for pyrotechnical articles is someone who has a permit from The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) to arrange courses for those who wants to use pyrotechnical articles in categories F2-F4, T1, T2, P1 or P2.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

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    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for authorisation for the destruction of pyrotechnic vehicle safety equipment (PU)
    Application for authorisation for the destruction of pyrotechnic vehicle safety equipment (PU)
    According to the provisions of the Flammable and Explosive Goods Act (LBE) a company or an individual must have a permit from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) to destroy pyrothechic equipment (PU). A warden needs to be appointed who must be approved by MSB. If the responsible party intends to store PU in connection with destruction, a permit also needs to be applied for from MSB, whereon it´s not necessary to apply for a separate storage permit from the municipality.

    More information can be found on msb.se.Information about PU – pyrotechnic equipment for vehicles

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

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    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for approval of wardens or participants for the handling of explosives
    Application of wardens and participants in accordance with sections 9 and 9a § of the Flammable and Explosive Products Act (2010:2011)
    If you or your business that handles explosives has a permit from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), you can proceed with your registration of participants and wardens in this e-service.

    If you or your business only have a permit for handling explosives from the municipality, turn instead to the permitting municipality with your registration.

    In accordance with sections 9 and 9a of the Flammable and Explosive Goods Act (LBE), wardens and participants in activities involving explosives must be reported to the licensing authority and assessed for sutability. Provisions on what information is to be included in the registration can be found in MSB's regulations on participants in activities with explosives MSBFS 2021:3. The information in the registration in only a basis for an assassment of suitability.

    More information can be found on MSB's website Information on MSB's website

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

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    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

Other registrations and applications

  • Application regarding in-house implementation of Grib course 1 CLOSED
    The rescue service organization that wishes to complete Grib course 1 in-house applies through this e-service.
    By applying, the organization and its potential co-applicant organizations show intent to train all employees who are relevant for Grib course 1 in-house, i.e. not using MSB's training places. The application relates to the following calendar year. In order for MSB to meet the existing national training needs the number of in-house trainings is of relevance in the planning process.

    The application is mainly based on certificates, ensuring that the prerequisites needed to conduct the training are in place. In general, MSB approves all correctly completed applications.

    MSB reserves the right to verify the accuracy of submitted information in future steps before and during the training process. If the information provided is not correct, MSB can withdraw the approval until the inaccuracies have been corrected.

    The following information is to be included in the application:
    - main applicant organisation
    - contact person
    - co-applicant organisation/s
    - planned training period
    -number of participants in planned training

    In addition, a certificate is required regarding:
    1. staff competence (instructor with basic training in the field of protection against accidents and registered nurse for emergency care)
    2. participation in instructor training (4 days distance learning)
    3. access to the resources required to carry out teaching
    4. implementation of administrative tasks linked to the training

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    Opens: 8/26/2024 7:00 AM
    Closes: 10/9/2024 1:00 PM

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    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for recognition of professional qualifications for fire safety inspection or inspection of tanks from a country within the EU, EEA or Switzerland
    Application for recognition of professional qualifications for fire safety inspection or inspection of tanks from a country within the EU, EEA or Switzerland
    If you want to practise a profession that is regulated in Sweden, you can apply for recognition of your professional qualifications. This means that MSB assesses your professional qualifications, such as previous education and work experience in the following areas:

    - Fire safety inspection in accordance with Chapter 3. Section 4 of the Civil Protection Act (2003:778)

    - Inspection of stationary tanks with connected piping for flammable liquids according to MSBFS 2018:3

    - Inspection of tanks for the transport of dangerous goods according to MSBFS 2009:4

    Read more in the Act (2016:145) and the Ordinance (2016:157) on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    In cases you have protected identity, please submit your application by sending it by letter to the postal addresses below, depending which professional field your application refers to. Please also state in the application if your personal data is restricted.

    The application for fire safety inspection is sent to the postal address:

    Fire and Rescue Section
    SE-651 81 Karlstad

    The application for inspection of stationary tanks with connected piping for flammable liquids or inspection of tanks for the transport of dangerous goods is sent to the postal address:

    Dangerous Goods and Flammables Section
    SE-651 81 Karlstad

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for changes to an existing approval of training for drivers of vehicles transporting dangerous goods
    Application for changes to an existing approval of training for drivers of vehicles transporting dangerous goods
    Via this e-service you may apply for changes in an already existing approval to perform training of ADR-drivers. The requirements concerning you as a training body and your application are found in ADR-S, chapter 8.2 and appendix S, chapter 20.

    It is the contact person from the training body that fills out the form and applies for the approval. Please have all the application details that you would like to change ready before you start to fill out your application. The documents that will be attached needs to be in the form of PDF-files. Example of documents are:

    - Certificate that shows all teachers educational competence,
    - Certificate that shows all teachers knowledge about the parts of the regulations that they are planned to educate within,
    - Proof of registration from the Swedish Companies Registration Office or a register extract from the Swedish Tax Office. It’s not allowed to be older than three months.
    - A detailed training programme in those cases that the training programme produced by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency isn’t used.
    - The agreement, if there is one, with another actor regarding implementation of the individual practical exercises ”first aid” and/or ”fire-fighting”.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • E-services for MSB colleges
    You can do following in this e-service:

    •Apply for a study break or discontinuation of studies
    •Apply for a change of college or study form
    •Apply for credit transfer
    •Apply for deferment
    •Apply for resumption of studies

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for approval of training for drivers of vehicles transporting dangerous goods
    Application for approval of training for drivers of vehicles transporting dangerous goods
    Via this e-service you may apply for an approval to perform training of ADR-drivers. The requirements concerning you as a training body and your application are found in ADR-S, chapter 8.2 and appendix S, chapter 20. It is the contact person for the training body that fills out the form and applies for the approval. The documents that will be attached needs to be in the form of PDF-files.

    Please have these files ready before you start to fill out your application.

    The documents are:
    -Certificate that shows all teachers educational competence,
    -Certificate that shows all teachers knowledge about the parts of the regulations that they are planned to teach within,
    -Proof of registration from the Swedish Companies Registration Office or a register extract from the Swedish Tax Office. It’s not allowed to be older than three months.
    -A detailed training programme in those cases that the training programme produced by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency isn’t used.
    -The agreement, if there is one, with another actor regarding implementation of the individual practical exercises ”first aid” and/or ”fire-fighting”.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

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    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for access to Sefari
    Application for access to Sefari system
    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for project funding in cybersecurity CLOSED
    Grants for capacity building in cybersecurity in small and medium-sized companies
    The call is aimed at small and medium-sized companies that want to apply for development grants for projects that can contribute to strengthening Sweden's capacity and infrastructure in cybersecurity and preparedness.
    Sweden's National Coordination Centre for Research and Innovation in Cybersecurity (NCC-SE) at the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) intends to fund development in the field of cyber security in 2024. The call comprises a total of SEK 23 million and will be distributed in the form of grants of a maximum of SEK 600,000 per granted project funding. Applicants are offered full cost coverage (i.e. they do not have to pay part of the projects' financing themselves), and are aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Sweden (Link to User guide on the defintion of SME).

    Both suppliers and need owners can apply for grants. NCC-SE expects to fund up to 36 projects within the framework of the call. Grants are awarded for initiatives in project form, where the project period amounts to a maximum of three months with an estimated start for selected development projects in December 2024 at the earliest.

    Funded projects are expected to make a difference in one or more of the following areas:

    A. Ensuring cybersecurity knowledge and skills
    B. Preparedness and management of cybersecurity-related risks
    C. Building the ability to comply with requirements stemming from EU regulation in the field of cybersecurity.

    More information about the focus of the call and areas and assessment criteria can be found in the call text. Link to more information about the call(Link to more information about the call).

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    Opens: 9/18/2024 2:00 PM
    Closes: 11/13/2024 5:00 PM

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    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

E services available by Foreign eID

These E services are available with both Swedish and Foreign eID

  • Application for recognition of professional qualifications for fire safety inspection or inspection of tanks from a country within the EU, EEA or Switzerland
    Application for recognition of professional qualifications for fire safety inspection or inspection of tanks from a country within the EU, EEA or Switzerland
    If you want to practise a profession that is regulated in Sweden, you can apply for recognition of your professional qualifications. This means that MSB assesses your professional qualifications, such as previous education and work experience in the following areas:

    - Fire safety inspection in accordance with Chapter 3. Section 4 of the Civil Protection Act (2003:778)

    - Inspection of stationary tanks with connected piping for flammable liquids according to MSBFS 2018:3

    - Inspection of tanks for the transport of dangerous goods according to MSBFS 2009:4

    Read more in the Act (2016:145) and the Ordinance (2016:157) on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    In cases you have protected identity, please submit your application by sending it by letter to the postal addresses below, depending which professional field your application refers to. Please also state in the application if your personal data is restricted.

    The application for fire safety inspection is sent to the postal address:

    Fire and Rescue Section
    SE-651 81 Karlstad

    The application for inspection of stationary tanks with connected piping for flammable liquids or inspection of tanks for the transport of dangerous goods is sent to the postal address:

    Dangerous Goods and Flammables Section
    SE-651 81 Karlstad

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for changes to an existing approval of training for drivers of vehicles transporting dangerous goods
    Application for changes to an existing approval of training for drivers of vehicles transporting dangerous goods
    Via this e-service you may apply for changes in an already existing approval to perform training of ADR-drivers. The requirements concerning you as a training body and your application are found in ADR-S, chapter 8.2 and appendix S, chapter 20.

    It is the contact person from the training body that fills out the form and applies for the approval. Please have all the application details that you would like to change ready before you start to fill out your application. The documents that will be attached needs to be in the form of PDF-files. Example of documents are:

    - Certificate that shows all teachers educational competence,
    - Certificate that shows all teachers knowledge about the parts of the regulations that they are planned to educate within,
    - Proof of registration from the Swedish Companies Registration Office or a register extract from the Swedish Tax Office. It’s not allowed to be older than three months.
    - A detailed training programme in those cases that the training programme produced by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency isn’t used.
    - The agreement, if there is one, with another actor regarding implementation of the individual practical exercises ”first aid” and/or ”fire-fighting”.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for authorisation to handload ammunition for transfer
    Application for authorisation to handload ammunition for transfer according the LBE
    Handloading is the manufacture of ammunition for small arms without automatic aids. Anyone who wants to transfer (give away or sell) self-loaded ammunition to someone else must have a permit from the Swedish Contingencies Agancy (MSB) for the manufacturing of explosives in accordance with the Flammable and Explosive Products Act (LBE). Under certain circumstances, a manufacturing permit is sometimes also needed for arranging handloading courses.

    Anyone who has a licence for firearms for hunting and target shooting may handload ammunition for their own use for their weapons without any other permit. Under these circumstances, it is also permitted to handle up to 5 kg of gunpowder and ignition caps without storage and transfer permits. However, gunpowder and ignition caps must be stored in safes, and a valid Swedish firearms license must be presented to the seller upon purchase.

    More information can be found on msb.se. Information about handloading ammunition

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for license to manufacture explosives on fixed locations
    A licence is required for manufacturing explosives. Manufacturing of explosives includes processes where explosive articles or explosive substances are made or assembled, or unmade or disassembled and include recycling or destruction. Those who want to manufacture explosives need to apply for a licence from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). Use this e-service to apply for a licensce to manufacture explosives on fixed locations.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for authorisation to be am education provider for the use of pyrotechnic articles
    An education provider for pyrotechnical articles is someone who has a permit from The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) to arrange courses for those who wants to use pyrotechnical articles in categories F2-F4, T1, T2, P1 or P2.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for approval of training for drivers of vehicles transporting dangerous goods
    Application for approval of training for drivers of vehicles transporting dangerous goods
    Via this e-service you may apply for an approval to perform training of ADR-drivers. The requirements concerning you as a training body and your application are found in ADR-S, chapter 8.2 and appendix S, chapter 20. It is the contact person for the training body that fills out the form and applies for the approval. The documents that will be attached needs to be in the form of PDF-files.

    Please have these files ready before you start to fill out your application.

    The documents are:
    -Certificate that shows all teachers educational competence,
    -Certificate that shows all teachers knowledge about the parts of the regulations that they are planned to teach within,
    -Proof of registration from the Swedish Companies Registration Office or a register extract from the Swedish Tax Office. It’s not allowed to be older than three months.
    -A detailed training programme in those cases that the training programme produced by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency isn’t used.
    -The agreement, if there is one, with another actor regarding implementation of the individual practical exercises ”first aid” and/or ”fire-fighting”.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for authorisation for the destruction of pyrotechnic vehicle safety equipment (PU)
    Application for authorisation for the destruction of pyrotechnic vehicle safety equipment (PU)
    According to the provisions of the Flammable and Explosive Goods Act (LBE) a company or an individual must have a permit from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) to destroy pyrothechic equipment (PU). A warden needs to be appointed who must be approved by MSB. If the responsible party intends to store PU in connection with destruction, a permit also needs to be applied for from MSB, whereon it´s not necessary to apply for a separate storage permit from the municipality.

    More information can be found on msb.se.Information about PU – pyrotechnic equipment for vehicles

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for approval of wardens or participants for the handling of explosives
    Application of wardens and participants in accordance with sections 9 and 9a § of the Flammable and Explosive Products Act (2010:2011)
    If you or your business that handles explosives has a permit from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), you can proceed with your registration of participants and wardens in this e-service.

    If you or your business only have a permit for handling explosives from the municipality, turn instead to the permitting municipality with your registration.

    In accordance with sections 9 and 9a of the Flammable and Explosive Goods Act (LBE), wardens and participants in activities involving explosives must be reported to the licensing authority and assessed for sutability. Provisions on what information is to be included in the registration can be found in MSB's regulations on participants in activities with explosives MSBFS 2021:3. The information in the registration in only a basis for an assassment of suitability.

    More information can be found on MSB's website Information on MSB's website

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

Cyber Security checkup

  • Cyber Security checkup CLOSED
    Submit your Cyber Security checkup (Cybersäkerhetskollen). The Cyber Security checkup supports your organisations own follow-up and improvement of your systematic information and cybersecurity work. It applies to all public organisations and entities covered by the NIS-legislation. Find out more, including the FAQ at msb.se Information about Cyber Security checkup

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    Opens: 4/3/2024 8:00 AM
    Closes: 9/13/2024 12:00 PM

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.


  • Application for permission to lend Rakel terminals to a third party (R41)
    This e-service is used to apply for permission to lend Rakel terminals from existing Rakel customers to a third party in order for this party to be able to use Rakel in its performance of its duties. If the application is complete and if MSB approves it, a consent is sent out. When returning the Rakel terminals, no form needs to be submitted.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application to install repeater system for Rakel (R11)
    This e-service is used to apply for permission to install a repeater system for Rakel in order to improve the coverage indoors.

    If the application is complete and if MSB approves the application, a repeater agreement is sent out for signing. Once the agreement has been signed by both parties, MSB sends out technical information needed to configure the repeater system.
    More about the process and conditions for repeater systems can be found at

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Application for ISI migration Finland and Norway (R37/R38)
    This e-service is used to apply for ISI migration to Finland and/or Norway. The ISI migration service enables cross-border collaboration between users of Rakel and Nödnett in Norway and Virve in Finland. When migrating to Nödnett or Virve, you can use individual calls, text messages (SDS), status messages, and emergency calls.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Order/Registration Encryption Key Kurir (R40)
    This e-service is used to order the Kurir encryption key in order to be able to send orders, documents and other information to Rakel Customer Support with the Kurir file encryption system.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • Change/Order Rakel Subscription (R1/R2/R3/R30)
    This e-service is used to change existing or order new Rakel subscriptions. Rakel's basic subscription includes functions for talking and sending text messages.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

State grants for preventive measures against natural disasters

  • Application for government grants for natural hazard prevention measures CLOSED
    Application for government grants for natural hazard prevention measures
    Municipalities can apply for government grants for prevention measures against natural hazards. Grants are issued by MSB and can be awarded for up to 60 percent of a measure’s total cost. Municipalities can apply for grants to protect existing built-up areas from flooding, landslides and erosion.

    More information can be found on msb.se.Information about the government grant and application requirements.

    The application periods are:
    •first (working) Monday in January to first Monday in March
    •first (working) Monday in June to first Monday in September.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in. Then click on link to e-service. A link to the form should only be used in cases where you are unable to use the e-service due to technical problems or if you do not have e-identification.

    Opens: 1/13/2025 12:08 AM
    Closes: 3/3/2025 5:00 PM

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.

  • E-service for supplementation and reporting - government grants for natural hazard prevention measures
    This e-service is used to supplement an existing application and for partial and final reporting of ongoing and completed measures.

    To be able to use the e-service, you first log in and then click on the link to the e-service. Specify the case number that the application relates to (20XX-XXXXX) and select the type of submission (supplement, interim report or final report)

    An interim report provides information on the work carried out and the costs incurred for carrying out the measure, etc.

    Please contact us if for some reason you do not want to or cannot use the e-service.

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    You need to log in to be able to use the e-service

    To be able to use the e-service, you need to log in.